Druid throws an exception "Failed to connect to service endpoint". It is an exception related to AWS region settings even though AWS is not in use.
For example:
WARN [main] com.amazonaws.util.EC2MetadataUtils - Unable to retrieve the requested metadata (/latest/dynamic/instance-identity/document). Failed to connect to service endpoint:
com.amazonaws.SdkClientException: Failed to connect to service endpoint
On-prem or cloud with Google Cloud Storage for deep storage.
AWS S3 extension requires a default region to be configured before it can be successfully enabled for Druid. When not configured, it prevents other storage extensions from being property loaded.
Starting in Imply versions 2022.02 and 2022.01.2-LTS, the default region value for AWS S3 extension is lazily checked. This means that it loads successfully without the configuration value and does not impact other extensions.
If you are unable to upgrade to the versions containing the fix, set the following in the jvm.config file for all Druid services to bypass the configuration value check:
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